So many people feel stuck. Maybe you feel stuck right now. You might think you’re living your purpose, but, I’ve got to tell you—if you’re feeling stuck, you probably aren’t.
Here are 3 simple ways you can start (today!) aligning with your purpose—
- Start making decisions.Not from fear, but from where you want to be. You have to stop letting ‘Little Me’ guide you. And you have to eliminate all the excuses keeping you from deciding. What happens is thatwhen you make up your mind, your mind begins to make things happen. The unmade choices that are inside of you and around quickly get overwhelming–and, believe me, they keep you small and far from your purpose.
Making decisions actually clears your path. So start making some decisions today—and take what does not need to be thought about now off the table. Simplify what’s on your mind and all around you. Your way to your purpose will be much clearer.
Set new goals.Create a clear vision for what you want to do… with specificity. And you have to set deadlines–if you don’t have deadlines you just have dreams. And while you have those natural God-given gifts, gifts without a game plan go nowhere. It’s your responsibility to be a good steward and multiply and expand the gifts you’ve been given. Those gifts are a critical piece of living in your purpose… you’ve got to have a plan to share them.
Find community and accountability.Get yourself around other people who are like-minded, powerful and brilliant. Today. I so believe in creating a circle of accountability.When you tell others your dream, ask them to remind you of what you’re focused on and ask them to support you. You’re going to need each other when you start setting deadlines and making decisions! As Proverbs 11:25 states, “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
Finally… when the going gets hard, say to yourself:
“This is where I am going, this is the legacy I’m building and these are the people I’m serving.”
I promise you… it works.