Everything was created to be in alignment. Look at your body. When you sprain a muscle, the other muscles have to work harder to support your body in the absence…
Manage Money Wisely
Creating Wealth in an Uncertain World
In every crisis lies the seed of opportunity. Likewise, from the midst of the current pandemic and the chaos and uncertainty it’s created there are opportunities for wealth creation. Why?…
Thriving in the ‘New Normal’
In this seminar I shared:
1. How to notice patterns of economic downturns
2. How to identify and take advantage of the opportunities the environment brings
3. The 7 essential skills you will need for the future
There is also a Q&A section that will help clarify some things for you
Managing Change – 5 Lessons to Learn from Primark
Primark is one of the UK’s leading budget retail outlets and prior to COVID-19, the business was booming, stores across Europe and the US were teeming with customers and monthly…
Great execution lies in your capacity to carry out tasks consistently and successfully. Don’t be the kind of person who has great streaks for one month, and then can’t be…
Technologies have come and faded away, replaced by other, better tech. Fashion is an ever-revolving cycle of outdated today, in vogue tomorrow. Ideas considered mind-boggling 10 years ago are obsolete…