A lot has definitely happened between January 1 st and today, and you are likely reflecting on all the things you still need to get done before the year ends. The truth is those things aren’t going to do themselves. They need YOU to get up and make a move so that you can end 2022 on a high note, be it spiritually, financially, business-wise, or in your personal life. Remember, there are just over 120 days until the end of 2022.
Don’t make excuses like, “I don’t have enough time to do all the things I need to”, or “What if I make a mistake in trying to do all I need to do in the remaining days of the year?” Mistakes are meant to be made, they’re often the learning points that line the pathway to success. Perfection in itself is a flawed perception. Do you want the year to end with you still wishing and planning to do what you intended to do or with you having achieved even 40% of your goals with learning points, you can apply to the other areas you’re yet to tackle?
You don’t have to wait for the circumstances to be ideal, or for a more extended period of time: just start! When the year ends, you will end it on a high note of accomplishment and confidence, with a clearer vision of what your 2023 goals should be and how to go about achieving them.
Get out that to-do list
There’s a term in accounting called balance carried forward which basically means items (good or bad) taken from one period to another on a balance sheet. If you were to look at 2022 as your balance sheet, what items do you want to carry into 2023 and what do you want to leave behind? Once you’ve listed these, create a to-do list and get to work. Get in touch with those clients and customers like you have been planning for weeks now. Clear out your desk and do all the paperwork that needs doing. Even if you don’t finish everything, you will make significant headway. Imagine how you will feel, knowing that you aren’t starting the New Year with unnecessary negative balances.
Set a cut-off limit
Do you have goals you’re perpetually rolling over without doing anything about? You know those ones you set in 2020 to do in 2021 and now look like you may not start working on them until 2023? Take some time to think deeply and dispassionately about why you haven’t moved on them. Were you being unrealistic? Do they still matter? Did you set them under pressure? Or do you just need help and haven’t asked for it yet? Remove those that are unreasonable or irrelevant to where you are now. Rework those goals that you want to achieve and start working on them. Even if it is just one goal start the process now, and put structures in place to help you finish this year. Those small, successful steps you take will make you feel like a rock star at the end of the year, and you will be ringing in 2023 with a huge dose of confidence and zeal.
Establish new, positive habits
Some experts say it takes 21 days for a habit to become a lifestyle; others say it is 30 days. Whether it is 21 or 30, you have ample time to create a new, positive habit and stick with it till it becomes part of you by the year’s end. Don’t fall into the trap of creating a laundry list – ideally, you shouldn’t have more than 3 things maximum. And they should be simple things that you can do every single day. This will help you stay focused and diligent in sticking to them.
There is enough time to make positive changes before the year ends. Take that risk, start something new, accomplish those goals, and end 2023 stronger than ever!