Have you ever been to a store to get one thing and then found that you left with 5 things, none of which was what you went to get in…
Creating Wealth in an Uncertain World
In every crisis lies the seed of opportunity. Likewise, from the midst of the current pandemic and the chaos and uncertainty it’s created there are opportunities for wealth creation. Why?…
Delayed gratification is probably one of the most difficult concepts to teach your kids. At that young age, they are always impatient, always want stuff, and they always want it…
Teaching Kids Opportunity Cost
My previous post explained how you can explain the concept of needs and wants to your children as you teach them how to manage money better. This post is all about…
Follow the Money
Learn how to track your income and create a sustainable business
You Need to Create Wealth
Last week we looked at the tools Mimi used to improve her savings. While saving is an important discipline, you also need to actively explore additional avenues of wealth creation…