We are in the last quarter of 2020! It has been a strange year, to say the least, and everyone’s life has been thrown off-kilter with the completely unexpected series of events that have taken place. And now, the year is coming to a close, we have all had to adjust to a new way of life, and you feel like your life has taken such a hit, you can’t recover from it.
Well, you can. Time may refuse to stand still for you, but you can still get a lot of value out of the remaining days of the year, get back on track and realign yourself with your purpose.
You need to understand that you may not always have control of any give situation, but how you respond to those situations matters. Are you going to give up and say ‘the year is already over; I’ll pick up where I left off next year’? Or will you make use of the time you have now to make headway before the year runs out?
2020 is the year that everybody’s life went off track. Now you need to decide to get it back on track and be intentional about sticking to carrying out your purpose, your dreams, and your goals.
7 Ways to Get Your Life Back on Track
- Examine Your Life Now
Where are you now, in regards to your career, family, relationships, finances, physical health, emotional well-being, spirituality, and so on? How happy are you in all those areas? Are you where you planned to be? This life audit will give you clarity about your life as it is now, to help you see where you have gone off and what you need to do to get back on.
- Project Yourself
Now that you know where you are, where do you want to be? Project yourself into that state of being in alignment with your purpose and your goals. See yourself there, and start making the necessary plans to re-align yourself with what you see.
- Show up with Confidence
You may think that you only need confidence when other people are involved, but that is not true. Even dealing with yourself requires confidence, if not, you will not do what needs to be done to get back on track. A lack of control is not always because of external factors, but also because you are not confident. Find things that boost your morale, that inject you with confidence, and think about those things or learn from them. Once you can confidently show up every day, you will have more control over life’s situations.
- Say the Right Words, Be with the Right People
It is said that the person you spend the most time with is yourself, so make yourself a nice person to be with. If you are always speaking negatively, always have a ‘can’t do’ attitude, and always expect the worse, you won’t be able to take control of your life and get it back on track. If you spend time with people who whine and complain, have bad spending habits or poor attitudes toward learning, you will not grow. Speak affirmatively about yourself. Be with people who are uplifting, responsible, and accountable, and you will be in a better position to succeed in life.
- Re-identify Your Purpose
When things seem to be spiralling out of control, remember your purpose. Your purpose should take root in you and always guide your thoughts and actions. To get your life back on track, identify your purpose.
- Work Well with Time
Time management is key to getting your life back on track. It is a vital skill that takes a while to learn but is hugely rewarding once you get the hang of it. Assess your time management. See what projects you spend the most time on and what tasks are time wasters. Working well with time will help you re-align yourself in no time.
- Don’t Dwell on What Went Wrong
See every mistake, mishap, or failure, as a learning opportunity. Be honest with yourself. Don’t beat yourself up about time wasted or things not done right, but take responsibility, be accountable, and be willing to learn and do the right thing. Being too hard on yourself will not realign you with your purpose: it will most likely delay you from achieving your goals. Give yourself room to learn and grow, to fail and get back up. The goal is to keep moving forward, not to stay in one place.
When things happen that we have no control over, we need to stop, take stock, re-assess, and proceed. If you are out of alignment, examine yourself, take stock of where you are and what you need to do, remind yourself of the goal, and proceed to get yourself back on track.
Don’t let the circumstances control you for too long: take over the controls, and take charge of your life.